For this project, I streamlined the management and display of artwork data on the website. Key actions included:
→ Centralized Data Management: Created a dedicated PHP file for storing all artwork data (name, image, author, and information), allowing clients to make updates from a single location.
→ Header and Footer Refactoring: Developed header.php and footer.php files to standardize the site’s header and footer across all pages, improving maintainability and ensuring consistent display.
→ Homepage Optimization: Refactored the homepage (index.html) to dynamically generate artwork displays based on the centralized data. This reduced the code from 135 lines to 34, making it easier to add or remove artworks.
→ Dynamic Artwork Pages: Built oeuvre.php to automatically generate individual artwork pages based on the data, replacing the need for a separate HTML file for each artwork.
These improvements simplified content management and ensured a scalable, efficient solution for displaying artwork.